Friday, August 29, 2008


I asked my fortune cookie, will I beat this cancer? And my fortune was:

"You will have a long and healthy life."


  1. That's pretty great! I almost never get a real fortune, usually I get some sort of aphorism or bit of advice. I remember one fortune that I got many years ago that I really liked: "You will attend a party where strange customs prevail". I said "Well, duh".

  2. You know ~ I've tried lots of divination things ~ astrology, I Ching, Tarot... but fortune cookies, in my experience, are almost always right on the money.

  3. ...a long, happy, and HEALTHY life! Annabelle, Bananabelle . . you betcha!! xoxoxo

  4. ha ha, "Fortunately" -- loving the pun. It's very punny. But seriously, any time I needed psychic intervention (something necessary in New York), I'd go to my fav Chinese deli and buy an eggroll just so I could get the magic fortune cookie... it was weird, but it was straight out of Twilight Zone -- every fortune was personalized and on the mark, so yeah, you can laminate your fortune slip... like what larnie says.
