Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Under 6

I went to my oncologist for a checkup today and my tumor marker number (CA125) has dropped from 7 to "under 6". Apparently when it goes below 6, it's no longer a specific number. But it went down, so whatever it is, I'll take it! I'm especially happy because I've been having these bothersome little abdominal pains and a tad bit of nausea here and there. It's really no big deal, except that every time I feel something I get super worried and I was convinced my CA125 was going to be higher this time. I guess I need to work on my positive attitude.

Also, I've been remiss in pointing out that September is National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, as well as Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month. And if I was on top of things I would have posted yesterday that September 22 was Take a Loved One for a Check-up Day...

Saturday, September 12, 2009


I have been feeling great and having fun! Two notable things from the past few months- I got a new tattoo, and just got back from Burning Man!

The tattoo is by Jeff Rassier at Black Heart in S.F., he did a great job of pulling together all the ideas I threw at him during our first meeting. Lots of personal symbols, but the most important part is the image in the center- insect ovaries. They are my ovary replacements! For some reason I am finding this very comforting. The photo was taken during the first week, the redness has subsided and it looks great!

And Burning Man... What an inspiring, whirlwind, crazy, tiring week! I went a few days early to help build Bat Country, an example of a third-generation Sierpinski tetrahedron. I also helped a group called Feed the Artists, who put together 4 course meals for the people working on Burning Man funded art installations. The rest of the week was spent having coincidences, synchronicity, serendipity and tons of fun!